Cherried Cherub (Poem #1)

beyond the walls the cherub sees there grows 3,000 cherry trees the tired twiner throws troubled thorns my last love masters, my long lust mourns. lose your troubles, what do you gain? the loss of thirty thousand grain while your harvest monos, my hortus throws. it came back to me in thirty troves thir-ty--thou-sand--three-hund-red--thir-ty-one thought--thou--trou-bles--trem-bling--twin-kling--twid-dles. you mistoke your love for a lie now thir-ty--thou-sand--three-hund-red--thir-ty-one must die you play your hand of shuffled J's, you part your hand of sloughed-off trades. mou est lough, though tried again? thir-ty--thou-sand--three-hund-red--twid-dles through thickened, blackened skies of crossed off fire showered from the mountain that climbed on your sinking, tumbling towers. mou non est lough, your pension is power. punctuatio ab nihilo punctuatio fit nihilo c'est vrai, they found their truth their trembling powdered becomes their use you take your portrait? but what is gained? the static-ness makes monos again. rex malus iam casts below his feet rex malus makes mnemosyne reek. rex bonus makes the line cast beyond rex bonus fragit, now closedmos gone. punctuatio ab omnes punctuatio fit omnes beyond the walls the cherub sees there grows 3,000 cherry trees the cherub still smells the blossomed bliss such beauty reeks of rotten piss punctuatio ab nihilo punctuatio fit nihilo c'est vrai beyond the walls, the cherub sees. there grows 3,000. cherry trees. the cherub still smells, the blossomed bliss. such beauty lowers. and starts to piss. punctuatio ab omnes punctuatio fit omnes c'est vrai beyond the walls, the cherub sees. she sees 3,000 cherried me's. the cherub still smells my blossomed bliss. my beauty lowers to give her a kiss. her blooming eyes and rose red cheeks come out of her darkness, it's me she seeks. she no longer asks for a better life. she no longer asks for more than life. she no longer wants more than life. her tale of my cosmos is more than her life. she fell apart and saw more than life. she doesn't ask for more than life, she lives herself as more than life. I love her and I love her life. I love her and I love her life as one would love a cherried life. the cherried cherub seeks love through strife. the cherried cherub cuts with a cherried knife. punctuatio ab nihilo punctuatio fit nihilo c'est vrai beyond, the walls such I can't. see but smell, those blossoms. perilously such? rex malus? makes? my senses? smell. such beauty turns. to rot, in hell. punctuatio ab omnes punctuatio fit omnes c'est vrai beyond the walls such I can't see, but smell those blossoms perilously. I fear nothing but how it gets killed such rex malus tried to flood my gills. my cherub capit knows more than static I flow and fly before rex malus no memory can serve my bountiful life for what I love is more than life c'est vrai, I now can see that her bountiful beauty gazes back at me I float through thickened, blackened twine I live my sudden, intoxicating time such rex malus through closedmos lines, who cares who trembles? such i'll find! I float and flow to the top of the earth the beauty blossoms until my heart hurts such a float does damage, my harvest throws me down the hortus of cherry trees soften my pound I look and see her intoxicating beauty my sober corpus works waxes and chewings her kiss fills me with the joy of life her kiss loves me with the joy upon life I need no more that which isn't my life i fall apart and my cherub corpus vipes through your wicked truth, my love loves life c'est vrai, I love my cherried life. c'est fin what then is loved? no memory lost, no time hated, just twenty troughs. through blackened skies and memoric mists, her cherub loved the cherub kiss. her cherried cherub loves a cherub tree, such becomes other, I become thee her cherried cherub loves a cherub tree, such becomes other, I become thee the twiner twined despite his pain, the cherub cherried to love her rain